BA in Translation
The BA programme in Translation will provide students with the learning opportunities to have a solid foundation in the use of English and Chinese languages, to master the basic skills and knowledge for doing translation and interpreting and to become competent professionals in cross-cultural communication and in providing language services to meet market needs. The curriculum is optionally designed, which focuses on issues of the contemporary society and covers a wide range of topics in different areas so that our students can become life-long learners. With the help of language labs, CAT and other IT-based facilities for the learning activities, our students will become acquainted with new technologies in the field and become efficient users. Students graduating from our BA programme will enjoy a wide range of opportunities for employment and for career development. The BA programme is taught by a team of faculty members have had many years of professional experience in teaching Translation and Interpreting courses and their work is known internationally. CUHK-Shenzhen has signed MOU for cooperation with a number of outstanding universities overseas to provide more learning opportunities for our students, who will have the chance to join university level student exchange programmes in future.
BA in English Studies
English Studies programme is unique in its interdisciplinary approach in curriculum design that intends to merge the learning of language and communications skills with the acquisition of discipline-specific knowledge. Adopting a model of “English + X” in curriculum design, the proposed programme aims to develop high quality language professionals with broad global vision and strong cultural awareness who are interested in pursuing careers or further academic studies in international corporate communications, legal communication, or language technology field. Graduates from this programme will have acquired: (1) a high level of professional communicative competence in English; (2) a firm grounding in language studies which can be critically and creatively applied in a variety of professional contexts; (3) a strong awareness and clear understanding of intercultural communication in multilingual settings that enhance their global outlook and cultural appreciation; (4) the ability to apply their strong communication skills to solving real-world problems effectively in local and global multilingual professional settings; (5) the capability of developing intellectual curiosity to work both independently and as part of a team and the awareness of the need for and are committed to life-long learning.
MA in Translation and Interpreting Studies
This programme aims to equip students with the core concepts and major developments in translation and interpreting studies and with knowledge about the range of techniques and methodologies available in translating and interpreting between Chinese and English; Students should also have the ability to present and evaluate professional, cultural and ethical issues and articulate them with precision and lucidity in both Chinese and English.
MA in Simultaneous Interpreting
The graduates of Master of Arts in Simultaneous Interpreting Programme are expected to possess a high level of language and communication proficiency that will enable them to perform professionally in advanced interpreting (consecutive and simultaneous) with high competency. They should also possess basic skills for lifelong learning and be international in outlook, upright in character, and committed to serving the needs of society. The solid training offered by this Programme will also make its graduates competitive candidates for research postgraduate programmes in SI.
MPhil-PhD in Translation Studies
The MPhil-PhD in Translation Studies Programme aims to cultivate high-level innovative talents in the field of translation and interpreting. Outstanding master's degree graduates with a background in translation, linguistics, literature or other relevant humanities and social sciences are welcome to apply for the programme.