Research Field: Political impact of online communication; Social capital; The middle Class; Public opinion; Political support (legitimacy); Development and Democratization; Political participation (conventional and unconventional); Political culture; Civil society
Email: chenjie01@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/chenjie01
HAO Yufan
Research Field: Chinese Foreign Policy; Sino-American Relations; Corruption Issues; International Political Economy; Northeast Asian Security; Macaology
Email: haoyufan@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/haoyufan/Home/Index
TANG Wenfang
Research Field: Public opinion; Political culture; Mass politics
Email: tangwenfang@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/tangwenfang/Home/Index
ZHENG Yongnian
Email: GCCS_Director@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/GCCS_Director
Richard CARNEY
Associate Professor
Research Field: business-government relations in the wider field of international political economy
Email: richardcarney@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://www.richardcarneyscholar.com/
Jongyoon BAIK
Assistant Professor
Research Field: Comparative Politics; Quantitative Methodology; Politics of East Asia; Law and Politics of China
Email: jongyoonbaik@cuhk.edu.cn
Assistant Professor
Research Field: Comparative Authoritarian Politics; Democratic Backsliding; Strategic Political Behavior
Email: gloriacheung@cuhk.edu.cn
Assistant Professor
Research Field: Comparative Politics, Political Economy
Email: pawelcharasz@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/pawelcharasz
DANG Heping
Assistant Professor
Research Field: International law, Human rights, Criminal law, Chinese law, Public opinion and Capital punishment, law and environmental conflict
Email: dangheping@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/dangheping
DUAN Xiaolin
Assistant Professor
Research Field: International Relations
Email: duanxiaolin@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/duanxiaolin###
Jacque GAO
Assistant Professor
Research Field: Applied Game Theory, IPE/CPE, Conflict, Comparative politics
Email: jacquegao@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/jacquegao###
JIN Rongbo
Assistant Professor
Research Field: American Politics, Political Psychology, Political Behavior, Public Opinion, Computational Social Sciences, Survey, Experimental Methods
Email: jinrongbo@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/jinrongbo###
Assistant Professor
Research Field: International Political Economy
Email: antonmalkin@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/antonmalkin
YAN Shuliang
Assistant Professor
Research Field: International Relations, Comparative Politics
Email: karlyan@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/karlyan/Home/Index###
MA Jieqi
Assistant Professor (Teaching)
Research Field: Environmental and climate governance, resource management, pro-environmental behavior, public participation in sustainable development
Email: majieqi@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/majieqi