RA/Post Doc Fellow
TAN xiaoqian
E-mail: tanxiaoqian@cuhk.edu.cn
Research: Political communication, public opinion and policy analysis, digital journalism
Tel: 0755-235-16609
Office: TxB901
NI Guihua
E-mail: lizonglong@cuhk.edu.cn
Research: Sino-US Tech Competition; Power Transition; American Alliance Management
Tel: 0755-235-16686
Office: TxB 1103
RONG Zhenzhen
E-mail: zhenzhenrong@cuhk.edu.cn
Research: International and Chinese environmental law; Ecological restoration law; China's water diplomacy
Tel: 0755-824-73059
Office: TxB 1128
JIN Tianye
E-mail: jintianye@cuhk.edu.cn
Research: Infrastructure construction; Grassroots governance; Ancient political thought; Historical sociology
Tel: 0755-235-16695
Office: TxB 1003