Institute of Computational Social Science (Planning)
1. Conducting cutting-edge research in School of Humanities and Social Science (HSS) with digital technology by attracting major research funding at the national and local levels;
2. Creating an interdisciplinary environment for faculty cooperation within HSS and between HSS and other units on campus, such as School of Data Science (SDS);
3. Providing a platform for undergraduate and graduate training in digital social science;
4. Building a community of researchers in computational social science by organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences.
Facilities and Structure
The proposed Institute of Computational Social Science (ICSS) will include at least four research centers,
1. Cluster for Language Studies
2. Cluster for Behavioral Studies
3. Cluster for Media Studies
4. Cluster for Policy Studies
HSS already has well-established facilities that can be expanded and incorporated into the proposed ICSS. These facilities include
- Computer Lab for Teaching Experimental Methods and Statistical Analysis (policy studies)
- Cognitive and Behavioral Research Lab (behavioral studies)
- Eye Tracking Lab (behavioral studies)
- Computer Lab with CAT tools (policy studies)
- Food Safety and Nutritional Science Laboratory (policy studies)Computer Lab for Translation Studies (language studies)
In addition to the above existing laboratories, HSS plans to build a media lab to complement the research areas.