E-learning Programmes
Tense Buster V9 5-levels
Tense Buster helps learners improve their understanding of key grammar areas from Elementary to Advanced levels.
- Tense Buster Elementary (~IELTS overall band score 3.0)
- Tense Buster Pre-Intermediate (~IELTS overall band score 4.0-4.5)
- Tense Buster Intermediate (~IELTS overall band score 5.0)
- Tense Buster Upper Intermediate (~IELTS overall band score 5.0-6.0)
- Tense Buster Advanced (~IELTS overall band score 5.5-6.5)
What is the approach?
- Each unit begins with a presentation based on a dialogue, newspaper article or radio broadcast, where learners are encouraged to form theories about how the grammar works.
- Next comes a grammar rule where they confirm or correct their theories.
- Learners then move on to practice activities in which the language is contextualised and key aspects of form and function are highlighted.
- Each unit concludes with a randomised test enabling students to gauge their progress.
Other useful features
- includes detailed feedback in exercises to help students understand where they went wrong, so they can avoid making the same mistakes in future.
- includes a video-based pronunciation exercise relating to the grammar point.
Road to IELTS - Academic
- Road to IELTS is ideal for IELTS preparation.
- The interactive activities, advice videos, and practice tests are aimed precisely at the challenges candidates face.
How does it work ?
- Road to IELTS is organised by skill (reading, listening, speaking, writing). There is no set learning path; learners can choose the order in which they tackle the four key resources within each skill area:
- Starting out: an eBook introducing each paper and explaining task types.
- Advice and tutorial videos: experts explain the best way to prepare for IELTS.
- Practice zone: candidates practise tackling the various question types, pick up exam tips and familiarise themselves with the exam format.
- Test practice: candidates simulate the test experience with three full mock tests in each of the Reading, Writing, and Listening papers.
Clear Pronunciation I (Sounds)
- Clear Pronunciation I (Sounds) helps learners recognise and pronounce 43 English phonemes: vowels, consonants and diphthongs.
- The programme provides both comprehensive input for the sounds, and models for learners to copy.
- The Recorder enables users to record their voice and assess their pronunciation against that of a native speaker.
What is the approach?
- Each of the 25 units in the programme contrasts two sounds, for example, head/had, there/dare, hair/hear.
- The first screen presents each sound independently — both in isolation and in the context of individual words — through video and audio.
- The second activity presents examples of the sound in sentences for learners to listen to and repeat.
- They then move on to a discrimination exercise where they listen to the target phonemes and identify them to complete a task.
- Again, learners can use the Recorder for further practice in producing the sound.
- Learners then meet the target sounds in a real-world context. They might listen to someone describing a photograph, a child singing a nursery rhyme or the repeated vowel sounds in movie titles.
Clear Pronunciation II (Speech)
- In Clear Pronunciation II (Speech), students learn to put the sounds of English together in natural speech.
- This programme helps students to recognise and accurately produce word stress, sentence stress, consonant clusters, connected speech and intonation.
How does it work ?
- First, a teacher clearly explains and illustrates each topic in a series of videos.
- Learners then listen to audio clips, identify the target pronunciation feature and practise repeating it.
- The integrated Recorder enables users to record their voice and assess their pronunciation against that of a native speaker.
A range of voices
- Clear Pronunciation includes a wide range of speakers: male and female; young and middle-aged; English, Scottish, Australian, New Zealand, North American, Chinese, Indian.
- Learners are therefore exposed to the variety of accents they should expect to encounter in real life.
Study Skills Success V9
- Study Skills Success is for students in their final years at school and first year in higher education.
- It provides comprehensive coverage of skills and resources that will enable students to approach their academic studies effectively and with confidence.
What is the approach?
- Each unit begins with a video introduction where a teacher explainsa challenge learners will face and students give their own viewsbased on their own experiences.
- The unit then takes learners through a series of teaching points and interactive activities, helping them to develop the skillsand strategies they need to meet this challenge.
Active Reading
- The programme comes at six levels from Elementary to Advanced, with ten units in each level.
- Each unit starts with a video introduction, moves through controlled practice and comprehension exercises and concludes with a freer activity which expands on the topic.
A range of target texts & skills
- The starting point is to present texts which are relevant, stimulating and lively.
- Topics range from advertisements for diets, to Internet posts on wireless gaming, to ecotourism.
- Text types include newspaper and magazine articles, emails,poems, recipes, stories and press releases.
Practical Writing
- Practical Writing is for students who need to use written English both at school and in their personal life.
- Practical Writing helps students structure their message, select the right vocabulary and choose the most appropriate style.
What is the approach?
- Video introduction. A teacher explains the learning objectives of the unit — for example, to build an online profile and proofread it.
- Phone app for vocab. Students can use the integrated phone app to pre-learn vocabulary for the unit through study cards and games. It's fun and convenient.
- Interactive activities. In each unit, students work through 12 interactive activities: exercises, quizzes, tests and writing assignments.
- Study sheets. Each unit includes a Resource Bank of study sheets, transcripts and model writing. Learners can refer to it at any time.