


文学学士 天津中医药大学

文学硕士 北京外国语大学

哲学博士 北京外国语大学

博士联合培养 香港理工大学







Xie, R. (2022). Investigating the Correlations among the Source Language Register, Target Language Register and Interpreting Quality of Student Interpreters in E-C Consecutive Interpreting. Teaching and Researching Translation, (02), 77-89.


Xie, R. (2021). Metacognition in translation and interpreting education studies. Foreign Language and Translation, (02): 61-67.


Xie, R. (2020). Summary of Contemporary Chinese Translation Theories: Introduction, Inheritance, and Inclusion. Journal of Chongqing University of Education, 40-44.

谢芮.(2020).当代中国翻译理论概述—引入、继承与融合.重庆第二师范学院学报. (05),40-44+128.



Zhang, W. & Xie, R*. (2024). Book review:英汉交替传译源语难度评估体系构建研究 An Empirical Study on Constructing the Difficulty Assessment System of Source Materials for E-C Consecutive Interpreting. Interpreting and Society. (Accepted)

Xie, R. (2024). Book review: The Routledge Guide to Teaching Ethics in Translation and Interpreting Education. Interpreting and Society, 4(2), 218-223. https://doi.org/10.1177/27523810241271586

Xie, R. (2023). Book Review: Translation and Interpreting in the Age of COVID-19, edited by Kanglong Liu and Andrew K. F. Cheung, Springer: Singapore. Translation Quarterly. 109, 101-105.

Xie, R. (2023). Book review: The Human Translator in the 2020s. Interpreting and Society, 3(2), 204-207. https://doi.org/10.1177/27523810231196798



Sio, C., Yao, Y., Xie, R., Wang, X., Chi, S., Tang, A., Cheung, I., Cheung, A., & Lee, L. MetaCourt: Leveraging the Metaverse for Immersive Court Interpreting Education with Self-Determination Theory. The IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR). March 8-12, 2025. Saint-Malo, France. (Accepted)

Xie, R., Zhang, W. & Yao, Y. What you see is not what you hear-Investigating cognitive processing in Simultaneous Interpreting with Text: A mixed-method approach. Fifth International Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (ICTIC 5), 2-4 June 2025, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway. (Accepted)

Yao, Y., Han, T., Xie, R., Zhang, W., Li, D. Can LLMs Alleviate Machine Translation Post-Editing Effort? A Triangulated Exploration of Translation Trainees’ Post-Editing Effort Using Eye-Tracking, Key-Logging, and Self-Rating. Paper Presented at the 10th International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation and Interpreting, 15-18 November 2024, University of Macao, Macao, China.

Zhang, W., YAO, Y., Xie, R*. Towards Sentiment-informed Investigation of AI: Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis in Human and Machine Interpreting of Press Conferences. Paper Presented at the 15th National Conference & International Forum on Interpreting, 9-10 November 2024, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China.

Zhang, W., Xie, R., & Li, D. Assessing Audience Perception: A Comparative Study of AI-assisted and Non-AI-assisted Simultaneous Interpreting. Paper to 2024 Conference on Shaping the Future of Translation and Interpreting Studies in a Context of Technological, Cultural and Social Changes, 14-16 June 2024, Hong Kong, China.

Xie, R. The assessment of student interpreters’ consecutive interpreting performance from the perspective of multi-modal register equivalence. Presentation at The International Forum on Translation and Interpreting Education and Assessment, Xiamen University. April 2, 2021, Xiamen, China.




Associate editor of A Coursebook of Interpreting Between English and Chinese.Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. ISBN 9787521354584.