Good News || Dr. XIA Sichen’s new book Popularizing science in the digital era: A multimodal genre perspective on TED Talk videos was published by Routledge
Recently, the new book of Dr. XIA Sichen of the School of Humanities and Social Science Popularizing science in the digital era: A multimodal genre perspective on TED Talk videos was officially published by Routledge, the leading global academic publisher within humanities and social sciences.
01 About the book
This book offers a comprehensive overview of TED talks as a digital multimodal video genre, exploring the ways in which myriad rhetorical, structural, digital, and multimodal resources are used to communicate scientific knowledge to lay audiences.
Drawing on insights from genre analysis, the systemic functional approach to multimodal discourse analysis, and the social semiotic approach to multimodality, the volume examines the communicative contexts in which TED talks are constructed, their rhetorical structure, the deployment of multimodal tools, and diachronic developments. The book reflects on the ways in which TED talks are uniquely positioned to offer new insights into how experts disseminate scientific knowledge for non- specialist audiences, constructed as they are within a community defined by a fluidity and diversity of audiences and speakers. The volume offers strategies for not only making the process of disseminating specialized knowledge more engaging and accessible but also expanding their own semiotic and communicative repertoires, increasingly crucial inour digitally driven era. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of English for Specific Purposes, multimodality, discourse analysis, and digital communication.
02 Contents
1 Introduction
2 Scientific popularization and TED talks
3 Digital communication, genre, and multimodality
4 The communicative context
5 Generic structure of TED talks TED
6 Multimodal strategies in TED talk videos
7 Diachronic changes in TED talk videos
8 Beyond TED talks: Toward a model
03 About the publisher
Founded in 1836, Routledge is headquartered in the United Kingdom and publishes mainly in London and New York. It is a well-known academic publishing institution in the international publishing industry and the world's largest academic publisher in humanities and social sciences. It is known for its dedication to publishing high-quality academic works. It has published many of the greatest thinkers and scholars of the last hundred years, including Adorno, Einstein, Russell, Popper, Wittgenstein, Jung, Hayek, McLuhan, Marcuse and Sartre. The publishing house is part of the Taylor & Francis Group, which was founded in 1798 and is now the world's largest electronic book publishing group.
04 About Dr. XIA Sichen
Dr. XIA Sichen is a lecturer of the English Studies Program at the School of Humanities and Social Science (HSS), the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She received her bachelor's degree and master's degree from Wuhan University and her doctor's degree from City University of Hong Kong. She also holds the Legal Professional Qualification Certificate awarded by Ministry of Justice of PRC, eligible to practice law in mainland China. She is the principal editor of the newsletter of the Asia-Pacific Language for Specific Purposes & Professional Communication Association (LSPPC News). Her main areas of research include the ESP approach to genre analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, popularization discourse and digital literacy.