科研动态 | Frederick LEONG教授的文章入选《亚裔美国人心理学杂志》2023年度最佳论文奖
近日,应用心理学学科部主任Frederick LEONG教授的文章《推进亚裔美国人心理学:模型、方法和测量的十年回顾》入选《亚裔美国人心理学杂志》2023年度最佳论文奖。这篇与夏威夷大学 Barbara YEE教授和密歇根大学Edward CHANG教授合作的文章将获得5,250元人民币的奖金,作为2024年亚裔美国人心理学协会年会的奖励。
The article by Professor Frederick LEONG, Director of the Division of Applied Psychology, entitled "Advancing Asian American psychology: A decade review of models, methods, and measures" has been selected for the 2023 Best Paper Award in the Asian American Journal of Psychology. This article co-authored with Professor Barbara YEE, University of Hawaii, and Professor Edward CHANG, University of Michigan, will receive a prize of 5,250 RMB to be presented as the annual convention of the Asian American Psychological Association in 2024.
To advance the field of Asian American Psychology and in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Asian American Journal of Psychology, we provide a decade review of Models, Methods, and Measures used in the journal from 2010 to 2019. In terms of theoretical models, Leong and Brown’s cultural validity and cultural specificity approach are used to review the studies within the Asian American Journal of Psychology (AAJP). The former is concerned with whether theoretical models developed with Western European American context are valid and useful for Asian Americans. The latter is focused on the indigenous models that have been developed specifically for Asian Americans or other racial and ethnic minority groups. The use of cross-sectional methods dominates our field, and there are future advantages in our expansion of longitudinal, intervention, focus groups, and case study methods. Additionally, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) ethnic specific and pan AAPI ethnicities methods help to test internal validity and external validity of our research generalizability and resulting conclusions. Cross-sectional and longitudinal examination of understudied and potentially higher risk age, AAPI ethnicities, and gender identities is also evident. In terms of measures, we used a functional framework to evaluate how researchers have operationalized their independent and dependent variables. Our review identified a strong tendency to investigate independent variables that were largely demographic in nature and to assess dependent variables that were largely focused on negative psychological conditions. This review ends with a discussion of the future challenges and directions for the journal with regard to models, methods, and measures.
亚裔美国人心理学杂志(Asian American Journal of Psychology)创刊于2010年,作为亚裔美国人心理学协会的旗舰刊物,杂志不仅为心理学专业人士提供了一个学术交流的平台,而且对于推动亚裔美国社区的心理健康和福祉具有重要意义。杂志所发表的内容广泛,旨在全面反映亚裔美国群体的多样性和复杂性,包括他们的文化背景、生活经历和心理需求。杂志重视能够为亚裔美国社区提供实际帮助的研究,如心理健康问题的预防策略、有效的心理干预措施、心理咨询师的培训方法,以及促进社会公正和多元包容的政策建议,这些研究对于理解和解决亚裔美国社区面临的特定挑战至关重要。
Frederick LEONG教授现任香港中文大学(深圳)应用心理学专业教授。他于1988年获马里兰大学咨询心理和工业组织心理学哲学博士学位,曾担任国际应用心理学咨询心理学分会主席、美国亚裔心理学会主席、少数民族议题心理学研究学会主席;美国密歇根州立大学心理学、精神病学教授及多元文化心理学研究协会主任;美国田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校教授及咨询心理学项目主任。他于1998年获得美国亚裔心理学会突出贡献奖,1999年获得美国心理学会咨询心理学分会 John Holland奖,2021年获得美国心理治疗发展学会颁发的国际心理治疗发展杰出贡献奖。2024年,Frederick LEONG教授被Research.com评选为中国排名第五的心理学家。
Frederick LEONG教授的主要研究领域是职业心理学、亚裔心理学、跨文化心理学和组织行为。他撰写或合著了近300篇期刊论文和书籍章节,编辑或合编了书籍20余部。主编过《心理咨询百科全书》、《APA多元文化心理学手册》,是Asian American Journal of Psychology创始编辑和Archives of Scientific Psychology、American Psychologist副编辑。