喜讯 | 王晓田教授团队的研究成果在心理学顶级期刊Psychological Bulletin发布
近日,香港中文大学(深圳)人文社科学院应用心理学专业王晓田教授团队一项历时三年多的研究在线发表于心理学顶级期刊Psychological Bulletin(Impact Factor:23.03 5-Year Impact Factor: 31.55)。另外三名作者分别为我校应用心理学硕士毕业生陆俊松(现在美国UC San Diego 读博)以及数据科学学院和经管学院本科毕业生姚嘉弈和周泽慧。
Lu, J., Yao, J., Zhou, Z., & Wang* XT (XiaoTian) (2023). Age effects on delay discounting across the lifespan:A meta-analytical approach to theory comparison and model development. Psychological Bulletin, 149 (7–8), 447–486. .ISSN: 0033-2909
01 Public Significance Statement 研究意义:
This article summarizes 30 years of research on age differences in delay discounting over the lifespan. The results reveal a U-shaped association between age and delay discounting. Adolescents and older adults have higher delay discounting than middle-aged adults, with a turning point around age 50, suggesting a three-way trade-off between mortality, fertility, and parenting across the lifespan.
本文总结了 30 年来对人一生中延迟折现的年龄差异进行的研究。研究结果表明,年龄与延迟折现之间呈 U 型关系。青少年和老年人的延迟折现高于中年人,在 50 岁左右出现转折点,这表明在整个生命周期中,死亡率、生育率和养育子女之间存在着三方权衡。
02 Abstract 摘要:
Age Effects on Delay Discounting across the Lifespan: A Meta-Analytical Approach to Theory Comparison and Model Development
A long-running debate about the developmental trajectory of delay discounting has received gro wing attention since 1994. Relevant theories, ranging from developmental psychology and evolutionary biology to behavioral economics, yield contradictory predictions. Encompassing a wide age range from 6.7 to 83.1 years, we evaluated these theories based on meta-analyses of 178 effect sizes from 105 articles that examined age-dependent delay discounting, providing up-to-date the most comprehensive review of the topic. Delay discounting decreased with advancing age (Fisher’s z = -.059). However, meta-regression suggested that this linear trend masked a U-shaped function, as implied by some theoretical models. We developed a derivative-based method and recovered this nonlinear function based on 58 effects. Both the meta-regression based on all 178 effect sizes and the derivative-based method convergently demonstrated that delay discounting was the lowest for middle-aged people around 50, depending on the magnitude of the reward. The U-shaped function was steeper for people with shorter life expectancies; the turning point comes at a younger age for medium-to-large rewards, and delay discounting models explained heterogeneity across studies. We expanded the current theoretical frameworks by synthesizing the life-history theory and the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis. Built upon the mortality-fertility tradeoff model of Sozou and Seymour (2003), we postulated the role of parental investment in postponing the increase of delay discounting in late adulthood, suggesting a three-way mortality-fertility-parenting tradeoff. Possible proximate mechanisms were also discussed. Overall, when allocating assets over temporal intervals, a higher delay discount rate accompanies a lower future reproductive opportunity.
自1994年以来,对延迟折扣发展轨迹的争论受到越来越多的关注。相关理论涵盖了发展心理学、进化生物学和行为经济学等范畴,但各自得出了相互矛盾的预测。本研究通过对105篇文章中共计178个效应量进行元分析,评估了相关理论并提供了迄今最全面的综述。总体而言,随着年龄增长,延迟折扣率下降(Fisher’s z = -0.059),样本的平均年龄从6.7到83.1不等。然而,元回归分析表明,这一线性趋势掩盖了延迟折扣在人生轨迹中呈“U”形的变化趋势,而且符合一些理论模型的预测。我们开发了一种导数方法,并根据该方法基于58个效应量找出了“U”的非线性函数。基于所有178个效应量的元回归和基于导数方法的结果均证明,50岁左右的中年人的延迟折扣率最低。U 形函数对于预期寿命较短的人来说更陡峭。当人们的预期寿命较短时,该“U”形变化趋势更为陡峭。另外,当奖励的数额较大时,转折点的年龄前移,变得更年轻。延迟折扣模型的不同可以解释研究间的异质性。本研究通过综合生命史理论和基因多效性假说,扩展了现有的理论解释。我们讨论了亲代投资(育儿需求)使“U”形延迟折扣曲线的折点延展到中年后期的潜在作用,进而提出了死亡率、生育力、和育儿需求的三维权衡假说。总体而言,在时间维度上分配资源时,较低的未来繁殖机会与较高的折扣率存在一种正相关关系。
03 教授简介
王晓田教授的研究成果发表在30多种专业期刊,也被普通心理学、 认知心理学、认知神经学和进化心理学的教科书所引用。王晓田教授主编了《进化心理学家如是说》一书(王晓田,苏彦捷, 2011,北京大学出版社;日文版,2018,东京大学出版社)。并出版了专著《进化的智慧与决策的理性》(王晓田,陆静怡,2016,华东师范大学出版社,国家重点出版规划)。美国《时代》周刊、《科学新闻》、《科学日报》等均有专文报道王晓田教授的研究;维基百科、雅虎新闻、《华尔街日报》以及《中欧商业评论》均对王晓田教授的研究有所介绍。