喜讯 | 夏思宸老师的新著《科技时代的科普:多模态语篇视角下的TED 演讲 》由劳特利奇出版社出版
近日,人文社科学院夏思宸老师的新著《科技时代的科普:多模态语篇视角下的TED 演讲》(Popularizing science in the digital era: A multimodal genre perspective on TED Talk videos)由世界领先的人文及社会科学学术出版商劳特利奇(Routledge)出版社正式出版。

01 著作简介
This book offers a comprehensive overview of TED talks as a digital multimodal video genre, exploring the ways in which myriad rhetorical, structural, digital, and multimodal resources are used to communicate scientific knowledge to lay audiences.
Drawing on insights from genre analysis, the systemic functional approach to multimodal discourse analysis, and the social semiotic approach to multimodality, the volume examines the communicative contexts in which TED talks are constructed, their rhetorical structure, the deployment of multimodal tools, and diachronic developments. The book reflects on the ways in which TED talks are uniquely positioned to offer new insights into how experts disseminate scientific knowledge for non- specialist audiences, constructed as they are within a community defined by a fluidity and diversity of audiences and speakers. The volume offers strategies for not only making the process of disseminating specialized knowledge more engaging and accessible but also expanding their own semiotic and communicative repertoires, increasingly crucial inour digitally driven era. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of English for Specific Purposes, multimodality, discourse analysis, and digital communication.
02 图书目录
1 Introduction 引言
2 Scientific popularization and TED talks 科普与TED演讲
3 Digital communication, genre, and multimodality 数字通信、体裁与多模态
4 The communicative context 交际语境
5 Generic structure of TED talks TED TED演讲的体裁结构
6 Multimodal strategies in TED talk videos TED演讲的多模态战略
7 Diachronic changes in TED talk videos TED演讲的历时变化
8 Beyond TED talks: Toward a model TED演讲之外:构建一个模型
03 出版社简介

劳特利奇出版社(Routledge)成立于1836年,总部位于英国,主要在伦敦和纽约两地发行,是国际出版界闻名遐迩的学术出版机构,也是全球最大的人文社科学术出版社,以倾力出版高质量精品学术著作而著称,曾出版过阿多诺、爱因斯坦、罗素、波普尔、维特根斯坦、荣格、哈耶克、麦克卢汉、马尔库塞和萨特等重要思想家和科学家的著作。该出版社隶属全球领先的Taylor & Francis Group(泰勒-弗朗西斯出版集团),该集团成立于1798年,目前是世界最大的电子图书出版集团。
04 教师简介

夏思宸博士现任香港中文大学(深圳)英语专业讲师。本科与硕士毕业于武汉大学,博士毕业于香港城市大学,持有中华人民共和国司法部颁发的法律职业资格证书。她是亚太专门用途语言与行业沟通协会(Asia-Pacific Language for Specific Purposes & Professional Communication Association)学术年报的主编。她的主要研究领域包括专门用途英语、体裁分析、多模态话语分析、科普沟通和数字素养。